Torrey's Topical Index

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Were most holy—Le 6:17


Oil and incense used with—Le 2:1,4,15

Of jealousy, without oil or incense—Nu 5:15

Always seasoned with salt—Le 2:13

No leaven used with—Le 2:11; 6:17

Not to be offered on altar of incense—Ex 30:9


A small part of, was consumed on the altar for a memorial—Le 2:2,9,16; 6:15

When offered for a priest entirely consumed by fire—Le 6:23

High priest's deputy had care of—Nu 4:16

Laid up in a chamber of the temple—Ne 10:39; 13:5; Eze 42:13

The priest's portion—Le 2:3; 6:17

To be eaten by the males of the house of Aaron alone—Le 6:18

To be eaten in the holy place—Le 6:16


Materials for public, often provided by the princes—Nu 7:13,19,25; Eze 45:16