Torrey's Topical Index

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Communion of the Lord's Supper

Prefigured—Ex 12:21-28; 1Co 5:7,8

Instituted—Mt 26:26; 1Co 11:23

Object of—Lu 22:19; 1Co 11:24,26

Is the communion of the body and blood of Christ—1Co 10:16

Both bread and wine are necessary to be received in—Mt 26:27; 1Co 11:26

Self-examination commanded before partaking of—1Co 11:28,31

Newness of heart and life necessary to the worthy partaking of—1Co 5:7,8

Partakers of, be wholly separate to God—1Co 10:21

Was continually partaken of, by the Church—Ac 2:42; 20:7