Torrey's Topical Index

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As administered by John—Mt 3:5-12; Joh 3:23; Ac 13:24; 19:4

Sanctioned by Christ's submission to it—Mt 3:13-15; Lu 3:21

Adopted by Christ—Joh 3:22; 4:1,2

Appointed an ordinance of the Christian church—Mt 28:19,20; Mr 16:15,16

To be administered in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—Mt 28:19

Water, the outward and visible sign in—Ac 8:36; 10:47

Regeneration, the inward and spiritual grace of—Joh 3:3,5,6; Ro 6:3,4,11

Remission of sins, signified by—Ac 2:38; 22:16

Unity of the Church effected by—1Co 12:13; Ga 3:27,28

Confession of sin necessary to—Mt 3:6

Repentance necessary to—Ac 2:38

Faith necessary to—Ac 8:37; 18:8

There is but one—Eph 4:5


Administered by immersing the whole body of the person in water—Mt 3:16; Ac 8:38,39

Emblematic of the influences of the Holy Spirit—Mt 3:11; Tit 3:5

Typified—1Co 10:2; 1Pe 3:20,21